461 Old John Dodd Road suite 1 Boiling Springs, SC 29316

Phone Number


Non Medical In Home Care Start Up


BPC Solutions will help you uncover your hidden limiting beliefs, help you to understand your thinking patterns, eliminate bad habits, and help to create healthier habits instead. They will also help you discover self-love, self-worth, your sense of purpose, and help guide you to have massive claritv and focus in vour start-up process.

Once we get you started & licensed you will continueto the next leve of your business.


BPC Solutions is a Non-Medical In Home Care Start-Up. On my journey I struggled to get the help ,& resources I needed. I thought to myself why not share my experience & journey with others as I help them through their start-up process


Congratulations if you have made it this far. Where to start and how to start is usually the first questions to be answered. No worries, your start is Now. I offer options to helping you along your journey.

We understand that that life can be busy. We created options for you to get started. Here are the ways we can help you get started.

One on One Coaching

A 6 month program. We meet every 2 weeks for 4 hours for 6 months working on your plan for your business. We organize & execute the checklist provided.


Self-paced online learning program is often ideal for busy professionals whose changing schedules make it difficult for them to complete the same amount of work each week.

Self-paced learning packet enables you to study when you have time

CALL 803-597-1891, LETS TALK!
Phone : 803-597-1891
Location : 461 Old John Dodd Road suite 1 Boiling Springs, SC 29316
Email : bpcsolutions4u@gmail.com